Introduction to Me

Hi there! Welcome to my first Blog! I’ve never done this before so please bear with me. I’m sure by now you know who I am..but, if you don’t, I’m Laila Babwah-Mendez. I’m 17 years old and I’m very passionate about two things; my art and my activism.Of course I have other passions but that’s not what this blog is about. I’m starting this blog as a media theory assignment, maybe it will become more. My main art mediums are drawing and painting, Despite those two being traditional art forms, I’m surprisingly into digital art forms. I love, love, love animation and I really want to learn how to do it. Ever since I was a kid watching ‘How to Train your Dragon’ (Dreamworks) and Bolt (Disney) I’ve wanted to learn animation.

Above is are drawings of mine. My art style is still developing and all my art is different. You’ll be able to see that more when I post my work later on.

That’s all for now! Remember to

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