Mass Media; the Pros and Cons of its Effects

Photo by Stas Knop on

So you may be wondering,; What exactly is ‘media’. Well, media is anything that relays a message to an audience. In this context we will be focusing on the media that is used to relay messages to very large audiences (James,n.d.), hence the word ‘Mass’. Media can fall into these general categories:

Recorded/Stored media
Video Games
The Internet
Virtual Reality

Media has many advantages and disadvantages and I will be focusing on the effects of mass media on our lives.

Technological advancements have made mass media much more accessible. This means that old, young, rich and poor people across the world can access it if they have access to the internet. Different media companies can alter the way you see the world with just one article or even a documentary. Social Media algorithms will provide content based on what you like or save. The more content you consume of a certain kind, the more it will appear to you. This can be harmful because it causes many impressionable people to fall into pipelines such as the “alt-right pipeline”. This is the reason that misogyny, Racism and other forms of media are so prevalent in online spaces and offline spaces.

Movies, Newspapers, Video Games, etc all carry messages from the creators to you. Every colour and lighting choice is thought out and planned to evoke certain emotions and responses. This is why media is so influential. It can be used to guide your emotions. Critical media consumption is very important for this reason. The media you consume and enjoy is an indirect reflection of you.

Of course, there are good parts of Mass Media. It helps to keep us informed on world issues, provides entertainment, Provides more conversation topics and resources for our everday-life. People with social disorders or sensory issues can enjoy Mass Media from our homes without the stress of having to go to a cinema or a or an arcade just for entertainment.

Mass media makes it easier to spread information about important social issues and is used by many activists to spread their cause. Like everything in this world, media is good in moderation when thought is given to what media you choose to consume.

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